1.1. Payments using the Service may be made only using only Visa or MasterCard credit cards/Paypal/Shop Pay/Google Pay.
1.2. We are not directly involved in the online payment but through a third party service provider.
1.3. All payments are to be in one of the Bank of New Zealand’s approved foreign currencies; – New Zealand Dollars (NZD), Australian Dollars (AUD), United States Dollars (USD), Euro (EUR), and the British Pound (GBP).
1.4. Upon completing a transaction using the Service, you will be presented with a confirmation screen verifying the transaction details you wish to process. It is your responsibility to verify that all transaction information and other details are correct.
1.5. We have no liability for transactions which are incorrect as a result of inaccurate data entry in the course of the use of the Service or for loss of data or information caused by factors beyond Our control.
1.6. You will receive a confirmation email once the payment has been received by Our third party service provider.
1.7. Once a payment has been made it cannot be cancelled. We do not accept any responsibility for refusal or reversal of payments, which shall be a matter between you and your credit card issuer.
2.1. We will comply with the Privacy Act 1993 in relation to any applicable information you supply to Us.
2.2. Any personal information supplied by You may be retained by Us until such time as you request that the information to be removed.
2.3. We will use any information you give to Us and which identifies you only for the purpose for which it is supplied to Us, including contacting you to verify your credit card information, and will not use it for any other purpose or supply it to any third party except as required by law, authorized by You or set out in these Terms.
2.4. You acknowledge that the credit card information supplied by you in relation to the use of the Service is processed through the secure DPS Payment Express system. Any credit card details stored for recurring payments are done so on the DPS system. No credit card information is stored by Us and We are PCI compliant.
2.5. Payments using the Service are made through a secure third party website. We will use all reasonable endeavors to prevent unauthorized access to your Personal Information. However, We will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss whatsoever for any interception and/or ‘hacking’ of any data or other unauthorized access to information provided by you for the purposes of using the Service.