Fresh beans and lentils from Granary Mart are rich in fiber and nutrients for better gut health

Beans & Lentils to Keep Up with Your Gut Health

Granary Mart

An increasing amount of research has continued to point toward the role that gut plays in your overall health. Apart from assisting in digestion, the presence of good bacteria in your gut keeps you healthy inside out by producing essential vitamins, supporting the immune system alongside fending off the growth of harmful bacteria. You will be surprised to know that 70% of your body’s immune system resides in your gut and it is the good bacteria that does all the working. Interesting, right?

While most people simply take care of their body thinking that it will help them boost their immunity, it is the gut that requires most care, and here at Granary Mart, we going to tell you how.

Enhancing your gut health is easy given you are maintaining a natural and healthy diet. There are some top-rated beans and legumes that are especially known to promote your health by supporting the good bacteria present in your gut. Not only that, beans and legumes have several other health benefits like it reduces cholesterol, and controlling blood sugar level but, most importantly, it is rich in fiber that helps you live better and live longer.

So, let’s check out the list and get ready to store them in bulk.

Get bulk chickpeas from Granary Mart that is good for your gut health and is loaded with essential nutrients.


The good old peas and probably the most popular ones, chickpeas are a part of diet across cultures. From Middle Eastern hummus, and Indian curries to fresh Salads and stuffing, chickpeas are as delicious as they are healthy. And, now there’s more reason to include these peas in your diet. Several studies have found that chickpeas might have a variety of health benefits apart from being rich in protein and fiber. The high fiber with beneficial plant compounds helps in improving the composition of gut bacteria and strengthening the gut barrier.

Lentils are rich in protein, vitamins and fiber and are great for gut health


One of the greatest sources of vegetarian protein, the lentils, though are small but are potent enough to keep you healthy. Let’s see how. These nutrient-rich small seeds are rich in trace mineral iron that is required by blood to make hemoglobin. Including them in your diet helps in compensating for the daily allowance for iron, alongside protein, vitamins B1 and B9, fiber, and zinc. That is why these are ideal for people who are vegetarians or vegans.

At Granary Mart we have a range of peas and lentils to satisfy your choice as well as they are sourced naturally to ensure you only get the best. Next time, do not forget to add them to your soups and stews not only for the yummy smoothness but also for the health benefits it provides.

Kidney beans are available in bulk in Granary Mart that are rich in fiber, protein and nutrients for a healthy everyday diet.

Red Kidney Beans

After chickpeas, kidney beans are one of the most eaten legumes that are often accompanied by rice or used as stuffing in sandwiches, burritos, and more. And, now you have got another reason to add these red wonders to your diet. Unknown to many, red kidney beans help to promote gut health as much as any other legumes and they are also rich in essential nutrients like folate, thiamine, vitamin B1 and B9 with minerals like copper, manganese, and zinc.

These beans are highly regarded to reduce the effect of blood sugar levels in the body by reducing their absorption in the body. The iron content especially plays a vital role in producing hemoglobin in the body while folate is important for neurological enhancement. That is why is a highly regarded legume for pregnant women as folate- a water-soluble vitamin that helps in the neurological development of the fetus.

Apart from these three, some other peas and lentils are exceptionally good for your gut health like green peas, black beans soybeans, pinto beans, and more. Including these legumes in your everyday diet so that you stay strong from inside helps you cope with any ailments without making you ill.


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