bulk purchase for sustainability

Bulk Buying Benefits for Zero Food Wastage

Granary Mart

When the world is surging towards more conscious choices with environment-friendly options and less carbon footprint, yet, one thing that stays on top of the list is a no wastage lifestyle reducing the impact on the environment drastically. However, the question still lingers on, how to start with a no-waste lifestyle or where, to begin with?

To answer this, we first need to understand the common concept of the goods we purchase are commonly packed in plastic or non-recyclable materials. Though many initiatives are taken to reduce such traits from the supply chain, it’s still at its primitive level. So, without further ado and coming straight to the point, buying bulk is not only cost-saving for you but is also good for the planet.  

Getting started and explaining how…

Whether you are hitting the bulk food aisle in the supermarket or checking out your favorite online bulk supplier like Granary Mart, it is often cheaper to buy in bulk than items purchased in smaller quantities. So, the eco-friendly packaging choice is often the low-cost choice.

However, before you are clicking on any item to bulk purchase, have an idea of the products you need for next week or next month and make sustainable choices while purchasing and keeping up with the no wastage notion and saving costs down the line.

Now, let’s take a quick look at the various benefits of buying bulk and doing your part for a greener and cleaner planet.

bulk buying to stop food wastage

Waste Reduction

It has already been established that online bulk food shopping reduces both packaging and food waste. But if you are wondering how? Then, it goes without saying that buying in bulk removes the need for unnecessary single-use plastic packaging for every item you are buying in retail. A switch to bulk buying makes a drastic impact on your weekly as well as monthly waste. And, with time this, mindful habit will help you make more sustainable food choices as a consumer. A small win for your pantry is a big win for the planet.

bulk shopping reduces transportation cost

Minimizes Transportation Pollution

It goes without saying that, bulk goods require less transportation and it is more efficient as they are loaded more densely on a truck in large boxes or sacks as opposed to individual or small packed items. Also, some of our suppliers at Granary Mart work on a completely closed-loop reusing their delivery containers on their deliveries over and over again. This little feat, therefore, has a huge impact on the environment, reducing the carbon footprint and delivering more items at once to their destinations.

bulk buy reduces plastic packaging

Buy Exactly According to Need

When you are buying in bulk from Granary Mart or any other online bulk store, you get the option to get just what you need. And, you can buy from the options given and according to your monthly household consumption. Similarly, you can again come back after a month or two to stock up, you will only buy the new arrivals or the ones that you need frequently like chia, beans, lentils, quinoa, or our range of gluten-free flours.

bulk buy to enjoy fresher produce

Access to Fresher Produce

With bulk shopping online you only buy what you need ensuring no wastage of food. It is also often observed that when you buy in bulk, you get to try out new products and make sure you want them in larger quantities or not.  So, buying only want you to need and getting fresher produce makes for a conscious healthy choice.

At Granary Mart we contribute to this conscious thought and constantly try to source locally and fair trade products for our consumers giving them the access to work and contribute towards the world we are willing for our future generations to see. 


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